About Conversations from a Page

Meeting by chance and paired by luck, Conversations from a Page was born between two friends Cindy Burnett & Krista Hensel over eight years ago. The amazing Cindy recently moved with her family to the Northeast which left Krista searching for a new partner to continue to share CFAP with the established community. Insert: Cathy Berner and Valerie Koehler with Blue Willow Bookshop! Blue Willow Bookshop has partnered with CFAP with their books for years and when Krista decided she wanted to continue opening her home and offering literary salons to the readership, Cathy & Valerie were Number One on her Wish List, and an absolutely natural next step! This fresh and exciting pairing will continue to bring together a community of readers with new and established authors alike sharing their current releases in a personal, welcoming, and casual atmosphere where relaxation and conversation take center stage before busy life takes over. 

Together, Krista, Cathy and Valerie are thrilled to continue to offer these Conversation from a Page opportunities throughout the year highlighting talent to bring into Houston.

Meet Cathy Berner

Cathy Berner is a Congressional staffer turned school librarian turned bookseller for more than 15+  years. She is the Blue Willow Bookshop Events Coordinator, Kids Specialist, and Hand-flailing Romance Evangelist! “It's a great thing when your avocation is your vocation as well.” We welcome Cathy with open arms, and Krista is beyond privileged to host salons together with her as she brings her extraordinarily warm personality and wit interviewing authors to share with readers.

Meet Krista Hensel

Krista currently can be found in Houston during the week preparing to visit her three college varsity swimmers at their respective colleges on the weekends with her husband Marc as they navigate the spectacularly busy and exciting “empty-nesting” phase of life. When she isn’t prioritizing being Mom and cheering on the college swim teams, Krista looks forward to filling her schedule with meaningful volunteering, maintaining her physical therapy license through continuing ed, searching for motivation to swim, peloton/spin and lift weights for fitness (so she can eat like she did in college), and flirting with a serious return to open water competitions with her husband- which supplanted triathlons over the past decade. A former Div I collegiate swimmer for The University of Kansas, Krista enjoys hanging out, laughing, and meeting friends for anything in a coffee shop- or really anywhere! She cherishes traveling with her family, maybe chasing the elusive black line on the bottom of the pool herself if she can get over the “cold water”, and throwing some serious gym weight around. Like all book enthusiasts, she covets blocking out the noise of the world with a good book before crashing at night, and vows to continue to spend as much precious time as possible with family and friends- both new and established- however and whenever she can. Krista will be the first to welcome you at the salons and the last to bid you farewell until the next one.

Special Thanks…

Website design by Sheryl Moore

Logo design by Elizabeth Gentry (elizabethcgentry@gmail.com)

Paper flower artwork by Brittany Lapiska